If you are in a no sex marriage, you are not alone. Sexless marriage is more common than you may think. With the increase stresses of paying bills, meeting strict deadlines on the job, problems with children, an ill relative, and other issues, sex is often the last thing on someone's mind. It's not wonder why people are losing interest in sex with their spouse. But it may also be because, a person may no longer be attracted to their spouse. Yes this can definitely happen. Read what Donna Flagg has to say about sexless marriage:
Why is it that love and sex are so often at odds? Or, is the issue rather that losing interest in sex has something to do with marriage? Because, if I hear one more married guy matter-of-factly justify sniffing out other women with, "I'm not attracted to my wife," or have one more woman scrunch up her face and say, "Ew, no," at the mere mention of sex with her husband, I don't know if I will be able to resist my urge to ask why not.
Sexless marriage is no longer a taboo topic or one that lurks in the shadows as it once had. Articles, studies, books and forums are popping up everywhere and we are learning that it is not an uncommon occurrence at all. But which comes first, the proverbial chicken or the egg? Is the marriage sexless because it lacks love or is the reverse true? Does the absence of one cause the disintegration of the other? Or, have we simply misunderstood the relationship between sex and love by expecting them to go hand in hand? Surely, many married couples love one another that do not have sex, while others no doubt have sex in the absence of love. Cause and effect in either direction is difficult to establish. But, I think it is safe to say that marriage = love = sex is not a given. Not by any stretch. We only have to note reality to see how true a statement that is.
Often, the stress of marriage is blamed. That's probably the first clue. What stress? People long for relationships to enhance their lives, to love and be loved, to learn, to share and to grow. I mean, after all, it's love. It should feel good. So what's with the stress? Is it actually the reason or is it a symptom reflecting a deeper root cause? Because really, shouldn't sex and love reduce life's stresses rather than add to them? Maybe the problem is with the social construct of marriage itself. There are so many rules, so many ways you "have to be," so many pretenses attached, is it any wonder that the roles forced upon husband and wife cause one to lose his/her appeal after awhile? If you're acting out "happily ever after," unhappily, it's just not sexy. Read The Original Article Here
People have different views on marriage and some people think that getting married will further complicate things. I feel that people should get married rather than just sleep with different people, but I also think people need to talk about what if issues before they get married. Married people need to always spice things up and make sure they keep their spouse happy. One of the reasons we get married is to have sex and share the love we have for each other, a special kind of love that is only shared between just the two of you. If you are having a problem and you're in a sexless marriage, you need to get help or seek the advice from a professional. The problem needs to be resolve as quickly as possible. The solution to a sexless marriage can be found and once solved, both need to work hard to keep the sex in the marriage.
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